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Tag Team Match
- Kota Sekifuda & So Daimonji vs. Kazumasa Yoshida & Mari Hana
Singles Match
- Yuya Aoki vs. Masaki Morihiro
Six Man Tag Team Match
- Daichi Hashimoto, Jacob Crane & Yasufumi Nakanoue vs. Astronauts (Fuminori Abe & Takuya Nomura) & Kosuke Sato
Barbed Wire Board Death Match
- Ludark Shaitan & Masaya Takahashi vs. Jack Bennett & Yuko Miyamoto
Street Fight Death Match
- Abdullah Kobayashi vs. North Korean Assassin
Street Fight Death Match
- Mad Man Pondo & SHLAK vs. Kankuro Hoshino & Ryuji Ito
Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match
- Masashi Takeda & Yusaku Ito vs. Chuck Stein & Eric Dillinger
100 Fluorescent Lighttubes Street Fight Death Match
- AKIRA, Beastman & Mickie Knuckles vs. Daiju Wakamatsu, Hideyoshi Kamitani & Kazumi Kikuta